Hi, Zhaorui Jiang!

portrait Welcome to my personal web page! I am an undergraduate student at Ocean University of China & Heriot-Watt University, majored in Computer Science and Technology & Robotics. My research focuses on Roboticsm, bioinformatics and AI for Life Science — in particular,Graph Neural Network, Explainable Artificial Intelligence.

Email: jiangzhaorui@stu.ouc.edu.cn / zj2009@hw.ac.uk
Address: Huandao District, Qingdao, China / Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Last update time: 2024.08.26

News and Highlights

   [2024/08] Congratulationas! OUC&HWU Survival Gudiance Finish

Research Summary

AI4S (Artificial Intelligence for Science)

GNN4S (Graph Neural Network for Science)

XAI (Explainbale Artificial Intelligence)


   Heriot-Watt University, 2021-2025
   • Bachelor of Engineering in Robotics
   • GPA: 4.0/4.0
   • WAM: 89.58/100

   Ocean University of China, 2021-2025
   • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology
   • GPA: 91.15/100
   • Rank: 3/104

Research Experience

Before pursing Master Degree, I feel fortunate to be an intern studnet in several prestigious universities

   Intern Student in Programmable Active Matter Lab (2024.04-2024.07)
   • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
   • Advised by Wendong Wang

   Intern Student in BCML Lab (2024.07-2025.05)
   • Heriot-Watt University
   • Advised by Wei Pang and Yingfang (James) Yuan


My study cannot be possible without the support from my awesome friends, mentors, and collaborators! Check out some of them:

Prof. Ke Yu, Prof. Yongjian Gu, Prof. Wendong Wang, Prof.Wei Pang

Friend Lei Hu, Friend Yingfang (James) Yuan